These homeowners inherited quite the project when they purchased this home!
The Solution
We re-graded this yard, hauling out several tons of excess dirt and gravel in order to create low basin planting areas and flat gathering space.
An 1100 gallon cistern collects rain runoff from the roof. Gutters were installed by Gutter Systems of Southern Arizona.
A laundry greywater system runs through two basins with 6 emitters.
The river rock cobble in the basins was great for germinating the native wildflower seed mix.
The fine mulch on the paths and gathering areas keeps the dust down and is nice on bare feet.
Design Elements
- water harvesting earthworks
- laundry greywater system
- mulched paths and gathering areas
- 1100 gallon cistern
- popup from cistern overflow to basin
- native plants and seed mix
- fruit trees
Featured Plants

Chilopsis linearis

Abutilon palmeri